in Longmont CO or surrounding area.
I am a 68 yr old woman who knows nothing about computer fixin and for the longest time my computer was a shambles. It kept freezing up on me and evidently I had spyware on it too. But most of these computer places charge too much to fix it. There was a new business open in town (Longmont, CO).I found a flyer in a store for their special Grand Opening special, so I thought why not, I can afford 40$ for them to come out and see what can be done. Well, they had me up and running smoothly in an hour! I opted for their Deluxe Tune up for 69.95 and they even left free software with me and showed me how to use it! What service! I would highly recommend this company! If you are in Longmont, CO or the surrounding area call Abracadabra mobile computer services @ 720-840-1188 (They just started business so they are not in the phone book)