Terrific new mobile computer tech company in Longmont, CO and surrounding area.
in Longmont CO or surrounding area.
Published on May 24, 2004 By MistiRose In Welcome
I am a 68 yr old woman who knows nothing about computer fixin and for the longest time my computer was a shambles. It kept freezing up on me and evidently I had spyware on it too. But most of these computer places charge too much to fix it. There was a new business open in town (Longmont, CO).I found a flyer in a store for their special Grand Opening special, so I thought why not, I can afford 40$ for them to come out and see what can be done. Well, they had me up and running smoothly in an hour! I opted for their Deluxe Tune up for 69.95 and they even left free software with me and showed me how to use it! What service! I would highly recommend this company! If you are in Longmont, CO or the surrounding area call Abracadabra mobile computer services @ 720-840-1188 (They just started business so they are not in the phone book)

on May 25, 2004
Good to hear they looked after you so well.

on May 25, 2004
Yes, it is so refreshing when you find a good honest company that is out there to really help you.
on May 25, 2004
I actually offer free online computer lessons on my website Link

I hope you find this useful.